Evaluation and Assessment


A student’s performance in tests is a reflection of our own capability as a school. By assessing a student’s application to his/her work on a day-to-day basis, we periodically keep a check on how our methods are faring and necessitate improvements or changes immediately.

Other modes of assessments help us determine the capabilities of every child, so that we can personalize our teaching to better suit their needs. A student’s power of comprehension and assimilation is then assessed through appraisals, class tests, unit tests, examinations and project work. A student’s progress in academic and other allied activities is also assessed and discussed during parent teacher meeting periodically. Parents are requested to sign the report after going through it carefully.


No tests or examinations are conducted from Kindergarten to Grade III. At these levels, assessments are an ongoing part of everyday activity. However students are assessed on the basis of their worksheets, daily assessments, appraisals carried out in class, based on the topics.

Portfolios containing worksheets with specific learning objectives are maintained for every student, and will be available with the class teacher for the parent to follow the child’s progress. Students in Grade IV upward will have weekly tests, unit tests and exams. After each unit test, the performance of the student is analyzed and remedial classes are provided to those who require them.

For the middle and high schools, the student’s application to work is assessed through class work, homework and project work. The student’s power of comprehension is also evaluated through unit tests and examinations conducted at the end of each term.


Evaluation is based on the student’s performance during the entire year and due weightage is given to all the tests/examinations, assignments and project work. Prizes/Merit cards are awarded to meritorious students. The Regency Public School has always stood for and promoted the principle of high academic excellence.

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